Product support

  • 24 months warranty on our units
  • Fully auotmatic, programmable logic controller (PLC) operated units
  • User friendly operation and monitoring of the unit via display terminal at the switch cabinet
  • Designed for monitoring-free 24-hour operation
  • High quality units, "Made in Germany"
  • Reliability and endurance above average
  • Closed solvent circuits
  • Compact, space saving construction
  • Sockets ready to use for fast startup
  • Pan-european 24h on site service by trained service technicians
  • Explosion protection class: EX II 2 G c IIA T3 // EX II 3 G c IIA T3
  • Specialist firm according to Water Resources Act (formerly ยง19 I of the German "Wasserhaushaltsgesetz WHG")
  • Qualified person for examinations for explosion protection
  • Conduction of special examanations, e.g. initial and re-examination of electrical installations (DIN VDE 0113 etc.)

DesbaTec delivers powerful machines which give you a significant competitive advantage. Because they are machines which fit to your  specific prozesses and requirements of your company. Expert advice and tailored solutions - this is what our customers appreciate us for. For DesbaTec economic efficiency and safety of your plants is top priority. 

DesbaTec - a partner on which you can rely on.

Besides elaborate planing, organisation and excecution of the projects we also offer our customers regular service and maintenance of their plants through our in-house service department.
In regeluar intervals or according to specific neccessities our specially trained technicians check all relevant parts of the system and do appropiate maintenance tasks fast and professional. 
- A service  - made by DesbaTec.

For specially equipped units also remote diagnostics via modem and teleservice is possible. Electronic control units transfer all important system informations needed for the support.